Different ways to
afford it
There is more than one way forward. If you are concerned that you cannot convince your vendors to pay for our photography and you want to give them options then you could consider the following:-
About 15-18 High Quality Individually Edited Flambient & HDR Images - £130 + VAT
Delivered in separate printing and web quality folders.
Accurate Full Colour Floor Plan – delivered pre-sized for the portals - £25 + VAT
About 17-23 High Quality Individually Edited Flambient & HDR Images - £140 + VAT
Delivered in separate printing and web quality folders.
Accurate Full Colour Floor Plan – delivered pre-sized for the portals - £30 + VAT
(Including measurements for window reveals & position)
About 20-25 High Quality Individually Edited Flambient & HDR Images - £150 + VAT
Delivered in separate printing and web quality folders.
Accurate Full Colour Floor Plan – delivered pre-sized for the portals - £35 + VAT
About 25-32 High Quality Individually Edited Flambient & HDR Images - £160 + VAT
Delivered in separate printing and web quality folders.
Accurate Full Colour Floor Plan – delivered pre-sized for the portals - £40 + VAT
About 30-40 High Quality Individually Edited Flambient & HDR Images - £180 + VAT
Delivered in separate printing and web quality folders.
Accurate Full Colour Floor Plan – delivered pre-sized for the portals - £45 + VAT
Elevated Shots - P.O.A.
(Subject to weather conditions)
Once they have the photography you could:-
They can fund it by buying it directly from us either with an outright up-front payment or on a payment plan or a delayed payment. The only problem for you with this set up, is that the photograph use licence then belongs to them, not you, so you lose control if they want to switch agents and take their photographs with them. This is only really a risk if you have an overpriced house with a vendor that is hard to manage for a price reduction when that is the only thing standing between you and a sale and they are likely to tour around the agents rather than engage with the overpricing problem. We’ve all met vendors who think their house is worth more because they live in it!
If vendors are introduced by you then they can buy it at your trade rate. If they come independently then they need to pay the full retail rate rather than the trade rate. That gives them another reason to use you.
You can use our website as a source of images to explain the techniques and professional level of photography that makes you stand out.
If you lack confidence selling our photography to your would-be or existing clients, we can sell it to them for you. We have deep product knowledge and explain the benefits perhaps in a more fluid and productive way than you.
You can pay for all of it, part of it, or none of it. The choice is yours. You can vary that approach from client to client. So, for example, you might take the view that on a larger fee instruction you can afford to pay the lot and on the smaller ones you can pay half and let the vendors fund the other half. You might have a competitor who charges a certain amount for outsourced photography, and you could offer to match that. If that transpires to be more than what we would charge you, and they pay us rather than you then we’ll refund you the balance as a referral fee.
Whichever route you go there is flexibility. We just need to know which way you want to go and whether that be across the board or on a case-by-case basis.
Let’s say you have an older 3-bedroom semi with a 100Ft long garden but there is a hedge across it halfway down and it looks best looking towards the rear elevation of the house. In this situation an elevated shot taken from 20Ft up in the air, clearing the hedge in the middle by line of sight, could be the best way to market such a garden on the web. If you pay for the main photography, the vendor could pay for the elevated shot and we would give them that image at your trade rate, thus delivering them a saving and giving you the vital spark that shoots your click rate on the portals through the roof. Everybody wins. Or you could pay for it but agree to re-fund the extra cost when it sells, or you could agree to add it to the exchange invoice. Or we could take the shot and give the vendor the option to buy it at the retail rate as there is a risk they won’t want to spend the money and we have to make it commercially viable to offer it. Equally if you buy it that would come to you at trade rate.
You can charge the client for the aborted photography if they come off the market.
This does two things; it discourages them from coming off the market which widens your sales opportunity window and increases your chances of getting it sold, and secondly, it recoups your investment in the photography if they do decide to stop marketing.